Wine Tips <$15

Corey requested we put together this page; he said the more under $15, the better.  Currently it is a work in process.   If you want Irish Coffee instead....

NB: These choices are based on our tastes and even we don't always agree.  Generally we've found that California reds are over-priced versus wines from, say,  Chile and Spain.  Australia is quite aggressive in marketing wines here in the U.S. but we've found their reds -- mostly Shiraz -- to be too acidic and harsh.  This may be an import issue as we've had wonderful reds while in Australia.  Of US producers we tend to prefer Beringer (ironically owned by Foster Brewing of Australia).  Their Knight's Valley Cab can sometimes be found under $15 if on sale.  We're probably biased but believe Oregon Pinot Noirs are the best in the US.  Unfortunately you can't find good ones under $15.  Our favorite wineries are Ken Wright, Elk Cove, and Willakenzie.  To see a video about a wine picnic at Elk Cove, click ProShow

Here's a recent Wall Street Journal article about "house wine" values: Read


Red Wines

We did a blind mini tasting on November 19th comparing the Root1 winner (below) to Beaulieu Vineyards 2003 Cab from Napa.  By a vote of 4-2 the Beaulieu won.  It's available at Fred Meyer for about $13.   Beaulieu Web

The family did a "blind" red wine tasting on July 16.  All the wines cost under $15.  The winning wine:

Root1 Cabernet Sauvignon, NV. Maipo Valley, Chile.  Fred Meyer $12.19.  They have a web site.

Domaine Paul Autard, Cotes du Rhone, 2004. About $11.50 at New Seasons.  Nice French terroir.  A pleasant medium-bodied red.  Good contrast with full-bodied cabs.

Girardet Pinot Noir Barrel Select, 2002. Southern Oregon.  About $13.50.  Pleasant and smooth.  Nice nose.

Barnard Griffin Cab, 2003.  Columbia Valley.  About $13.  Fruity with a dry finish.

Miguel Torres' Gran Sangre de Toro 2000. About $12.  Wonderful earthy finish.  A real value for the quality.  Here's a link to Torres for more info: Torres  Make sure it's Grand Sangre not Plain Sangre.

Parallele 45 Cotes du Rhone, 2003.  About $10 at Fred Meyer.  An excellent food wine, nice and dry, with distinctive terroir.

White Wines

Giesen Sauvignon Blanc. Marlborough, New Zealand.  This is a wine with real character.  Fruity with a nice citrus finish.  A great summer wine.  About $10 at New Seasons or Fred Meyer.  If you want to know more, here is the winery's description: Read

Veramonte Sauvignon Blanc. Casablanca Valley, Chile.  We've always found Veramonte wines to be an excellent value.  This wine is no exception.  Not as fruit forward as the Giesen but a pleasant summer wine.  About $10 at New Seasons.  If you want to know more, here is the winery's description: Read

Meridian Chardonnay.  California Central Coast.  About $8.  This chardonnay shows more fruit than oak and it is one of the few chardonnays that Diana really likes.

Rex Hill Pinot Gris.  This currently lists for $16 but you can get 10% off at Fred Meyer if you buy a half dozen (of anything).  We've always enjoyed this crisp and pleasant white.  Great fruit.  I think Oregon does well with anything with Pinot in the name.

Rolling Sauvignon Blanc-Semillon (60/40).  $10 at New Seasons.  An interesting wine, more like a Sancere.  Australian Orange region, west of Hunter Valley.  Fermented in stainless steel.  Nice fruit, very crisp finish.

There is a famous (and humourous) speech precisely nailing down a politician's position on whiskey: Read