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The Point System

A point system is used to assign host, food, and coordinator responsibilities.  Assignments are done for a full year covering the period Jan-Dec.  An activity is given a point value and the assignments are made so that the number of points each member earns are as close to equal as possible.  In practice, in a typical year, some folks will earn 1 point more than others; there is never more than a 1 point difference.  When someone joins or leaves the group, the assignments are readjusted to try and rebalance the points.  Thus during the course of the year, the food assignment table typically will change slightly.

Three activities are recognized for points: coordinator, host, and food.  No differentiation is made among the different food items, so bread counts the same as an entree, for example.  Coordinator earns 5 points, host earns 2, and bringing a food item earns 1.  Host and food are self-explanatory activities.  The coordinator works out the annual schedule, makes the host and food assignments, takes and published any minutes or notices, solicits and coordinates choosing books, sends out email reminders, and serves as webmaster.